Homemade Chai Tea

I love tea very much, especially Chai tea. I have tried hard to be a coffee drinker, loving the smell and spending my time in coffee shops. Seems the drink of choice for most people, but I find over and over that I can’t get past it’s strong bitter flavor, not to mention the stomachache that follows shortly behind me finishing a cup. I do drink one cup per week (Saturday morning), but this cup

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Throw Off the Bowlines

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

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Christmas Update 2012

Aloha from sunny San Diego! Merry Christmas to all those we love and cherish so much! We hope this greeting finds you all well this holiday season and pray that God continues to bless you all with his unending love. We wanted to write and give everyone a little update on the crazy and exciting events that have taken place in our lives this year! As most of you know either from facebook pictures or word of mouth we were fortunate to buy a new boat at the beginning of the year, Coconutz!

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Family Visits in San Diego

A few weeks ago we were fortunate to spend a few days with Kyle, Steph, Cati and the kids! It was a blast playing in the waves and the sand with these adventures spirits! It was Kyle and Steph’s first time visiting us here in San Diego,, also there first time being back since their honeymoon 11 years ago at Hotel Del! It was awesome spending time with the kids and seeing the unique personalities God is give to each one of them.

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Coveting possessions is unhealthy.

“Here’s how I look at it: All of the computers on Ebay are mine. In fact, everything on Ebay is already mine. All of those things are just in long term storage that I pay nothing for. Storage is free. When I want to take something out of storage, I just pay the for the storage costs for that particular thing up to that point, plus a nominal shipping fee, and my things are delivered to me so I can use them.

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Rope Life Lines

I replaced the lifelines on Coconutz with 3 Strand Dacron (polyester) The old PVC coated wire was suffering from corrosion in some spots and I was afraid of them snapping at the worst possible time. The new life lines are a much simpler setup and I can inspect them for chafe and wear more easily. Also the whole setup is much cheaper and I was able to easily splice the line my self.

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